List of all Commonsverse profiles

**Current total: 54**

- 596 Acres, USA - Acequias - Agrarian Trust, USA - Artabana, transnational - Atelier Paysan, France - Bangla-Pesa, Kenya - Basic Income Omitara-Otjivero, Namibia - BerkShares, USA - Black Family Land Trust, USA - Bologna Regulation, Italy - Breadfunds, Netherlands, UK/transnational - Brookfield Farm, USA - Buurtzorg, Netherlands - Cecosesola, Venezuela - Commoning Matsutake in Oka, Japan - Commons Engine, transnational - CoopCircuits, France - Cooperative La Louve, France - Co-op Power, USA - DNDI, transnational - Double Edge Theatre, USA - Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, USA - Enspiral, New Zealand/transnational - Federated Wiki, USA/transnational - Food Commons Fresno, USA -, Spain/transnational - The Hive, USA - HowlRound, USA - Incredible Edible, UK/transnational - Masipag, Philippines - Mietshäusersyndikat, Germany/transnational - Mundraub, Germany - Nidiaci Community Garden, Italy - Open Source Seeds, Germany/transnational - OpenSPIM, Europe/transnational - Otelo, Austria - Park Slope Food Coop, USA - PeerTube, transnational - Pioneer Valley Jazz Shares, USA - Pirate Care, Europe - Platform cooperatives - Potato Park, Peru - Public Library of Science, USA/transnational - Repair cafes - R-Urban, France - Sarafu-Credit, Kenya - Simple Gifts Farm, USA - Solar Commons, USA - Subak - irrigation, Indonesia - System of Rice Intensification, USA/transnational - Terre de Liens, France/transnational - Valley Time Trade, USA - Wellspring Cooperative, USA - Wikihouse & Wikihouse Design Principles, Great Britain/transnational